Sunday, March 27, 2011

I must be doing something right.  It's only been 8 days, and everything I planted is up.  I just love when that happens. :-)  I still have more to plant of course.  This was only the batch that was supposed to go in 8-10 weeks before I can start throwing stuff in the ground.  I just hope all the seedlings make it.  The package on most of them said they needed 15-21 days to germinate.  Umm... we seem to be a couple weeks ahead of schedule here in the Overgrown Green Soul greenhouse (say that 10 times fast).

So thrilled my Violas are up.  I heard they were really hard to grow.  These are a really cool orange color, and I really hoped they would take.  For whatever odd reason, I don't care for flowers that are supposed to be orange, but I love flowers that aren't but are.

A snapdragon leafing out. 


Petunia Summer Madness (lower left)

My third Petunia.  Another funky orange colored flower.


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