Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4 weeks out

Supposedly we're now 4 weeks out from our frost free date.  At the rate spring has been arriving (or not arriving) I think the +15 days are going to have to be applied.

Nothing was planted in that beautiful garden area in the last post.  We had snow this past weekend.  SNOW!  And this week isn't supposed to be much better.  If the 10 day weather forecast can be relied on, the early part of next week isn't looking any better.  Yes, I'm whining.  Even my daughter cried this morning because she had to wear her winter jacket instead of her spring jacket.  Normally I don't have much patience for overdone emotion, but I wanted to cry this morning with her!  I'll just keep repeating what I told her:  "Spring and summer WILL arrive.  They will."


Tomato plant getting nice and shapely

My rosemary is slow growing, but it actually is starting to look like rosemary, isn't it?

Tall Hibiscus

What else?  A petunia.

Snapdragon.  Remember those tiny, itty bitty seedling starts?  These are getting big!

Broccoli! It's starting to look like the real thing.


A broccoli leaf

Another snapdragon

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