Monday, March 21, 2011

23 packets of seeds are in the soil!  My time spent working the seeds and the soil was so beautiful and fulfilling.  I started out tired and achy from stress, and within 20 minutes, the tiredness slipped away as did the aches.  I love this!

Small, pelleted seeds pressed in the soil

I adore the feel (and scent) of moist soil in my hands

My begonia poking up under the grow lights.

The organization part of the work bench

Petunia Summer Madness

Water droplets on the tray

My dream- my daughter helping me!  The watering can is half as big as she is.


Carolyn Tarpey said...

Wow jen, what a wonderful idea! The blog looks great and i LOVE the picture of your delightful 4 year old daughter helping you, it made my heart smile big!

Thank you yet again for allowing all of us outsiders a peak into your private little world of gardening, it seems like this is something you truly enjoy and will spend many weekend hours relaxing in your garden.


marsrob said...