Sunday, March 27, 2011

I must be doing something right.  It's only been 8 days, and everything I planted is up.  I just love when that happens. :-)  I still have more to plant of course.  This was only the batch that was supposed to go in 8-10 weeks before I can start throwing stuff in the ground.  I just hope all the seedlings make it.  The package on most of them said they needed 15-21 days to germinate.  Umm... we seem to be a couple weeks ahead of schedule here in the Overgrown Green Soul greenhouse (say that 10 times fast).

So thrilled my Violas are up.  I heard they were really hard to grow.  These are a really cool orange color, and I really hoped they would take.  For whatever odd reason, I don't care for flowers that are supposed to be orange, but I love flowers that aren't but are.

A snapdragon leafing out. 


Petunia Summer Madness (lower left)

My third Petunia.  Another funky orange colored flower.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Two different kinds of Petunias are up as are my Coleus and Snapdragons!  The chives are still very fun looking and I love the little round leaves on the Thyme.

Little baby Coleus in the upper left pocket.

Petunia Shockwave Rose

Butterfly Bush- hard to believe they'll grow to be taller than me!

Little bitty Snapdragon coming up in the center.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Drat!  I forgot my camera card at work so was not able to take pictures today.  Two new things were up though this morning.  My Salvia was actually up yesterday afternoon, and one of the three kinds of Petunia I'm growing is just starting to unfold (I don't remember which one).

I get such joy from watching the different things come up and actually grow!  I know it's probably obvious to most people:  plant seed, seed grows- but to me, it's such a little miracle.  I'm in awe every time something new, that I planted, pokes its way through the soil reaching for the sun grow lights.  So cool!

For Clay:  What do you think?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chives and Bee Balm (Monarda) were the ones that were up today.  I'll be interested to see how the Bee Balm grows because I debated whether to start it early or direct sow it.  It's hardy and natural to this area (read: weed) so that led me to consider simply direct sowing.  The packet instructions recommended starting 8 weeks early though.  We'll see how big it is by the time we reach our frost-free date.

I love the cute little curlicue the chives make of themselves when they first poke through.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Thyme is Up!

Ha, ha!  Get it?  My thyme is up? :-)  I never said I wouldn't say dumb things on this blog.

And so is my Marjoram.  I think my chives are next.  I'm going to have such a great herb garden!

And my Geranium are going to take over the world in no time at this rate.

And all the above makes up for waking up to THIS today!  Ugh!  Supposedly 12" by the time it's done.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First Seedlings!

Holy molies, my Geraniums are starting to come up already!  That's a germination period of a mere 3 days.  Crazy!  I didn't expect that.

Monday, March 21, 2011

23 packets of seeds are in the soil!  My time spent working the seeds and the soil was so beautiful and fulfilling.  I started out tired and achy from stress, and within 20 minutes, the tiredness slipped away as did the aches.  I love this!

Small, pelleted seeds pressed in the soil

I adore the feel (and scent) of moist soil in my hands

My begonia poking up under the grow lights.

The organization part of the work bench

Petunia Summer Madness

Water droplets on the tray

My dream- my daughter helping me!  The watering can is half as big as she is.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Batch of Seeds are In!

I love Park Seeds so much!  Every time I use their seeds, I have great results and success.  And best yet, they are economical!  My box arrived and I couldn't wait to tear into it!  So many packets of seeds.  I can't wait to start organizing.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Getting set up

I'm starting to get set up.  We pulled out the trays and muscled them into place.  A lovely trip to the garden store saw many of the necessary items purchased, including some fun and vibrant Begonia tubers!  Oh how I love Begonias.  The epitome of summer heat and moist shade, and must be enjoyed with a pina colada while the children nap. 

The miracle worker.  Can't grow without it.

My very cool new green gloves.  I lost my last pair in the move, and this shade of green just moves me on this 36 degree day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Most of the seeds are purchased, and are in process of delivery!  Many, many seeds.  Fifty four different varieties of flowers, fruits, and vegetables so far.  6340 seeds, and I'm not done purchasing!

Oh how I wish I had a greenhouse.  Someday.

Monday, March 7, 2011


The concept of this blog is purely a photography* based journal of my passion- growing green things.  And purple and silver and brown and all the myriad of colors that plants display to the world.

We built our house last year and only finished the final grade which in layman's terms means the lawn.  I have lots of 'nothing space' with which to work my gardening and landscaping magic. This year I'm focusing on flowers, vegetables, fruits, and maybe some shrubs if my budget will allow.

Speaking of budget, and of course my love for growing and nurturing, 98% of my plants will be started by seed by yours truly.  Most will be started indoors in individual seed pots in our basement.  Some will be direct sow once the weather warms up the soil. 

Let the 2011 growing season (in the Finger Lakes region of NY) begin!

*Don't expect decent photographs.  This isn't a photography blog.  Just a plant blog with lots of pictures.
